BSC Contract Address : https://bscscan.com/address/0x4CFAC133438b25C22434ed56106EAF8503EC65eA

Honor Token is the token of the HonorSwap ecosystem. It has a total supply of 500.000.000 from the moment of its creation. Token generation occurs under the following conditions:\

  • For income payments from Farms, 40 Honor tokens are generated per block. 75% of the generated Honors are burned every three months.

  • In case there is an insufficient amount of the relevant token for Investment maturity payments, Honors are generated and used for the payments.

  • To contribute to price stability, Honor tokens are purchased using 25% of Trading revenue, and 50% of the purchased amount is burned. This process is repeated in periods of 60 to 180 days, occurring at least 4 times a year.

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