BSC Contract Address : https://bscscan.com/address/0x4CFAC133438b25C22434ed56106EAF8503EC65eA
Honor Token is the token of the HonorSwap ecosystem. It has a total supply of 500.000.000 from the moment of its creation. Token generation occurs under the following conditions:\
For income payments from Farms, 40 Honor tokens are generated per block. 75% of the generated Honors are burned every three months.
In case there is an insufficient amount of the relevant token for Investment maturity payments, Honors are generated and used for the payments.
To contribute to price stability, Honor tokens are purchased using 25% of Trading revenue, and 50% of the purchased amount is burned. This process is repeated in periods of 60 to 180 days, occurring at least 4 times a year.
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