Honorswap Trade/Swap Page User Guide
Welcome! The Honorswap Trade/Swap page allows you to swap Honor coins and other tokens quickly and securely. This user guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to use our platform and provides all the information you need to make transactions.
Step 1: Connect Your Wallet
To use the Honorswap Trade/Swap page, you first need to connect a wallet. Choose one of the supported wallets and establish a connection with it. Click on the "Connect Wallet" button and follow the instructions to link your wallet.
Step 2: Select Tokens
Now, it's time to choose the tokens you want to swap. Select the tokens you wish to exchange from the "From" and "To" fields. The swap transaction will be automatically calculated.
Step 3: Set the Amount
Enter the amount of tokens you want to swap. Double-check to avoid entering the wrong amount by mistake. Verify your transaction details before proceeding.
Step 4: Confirmation
Confirm your transaction. Your wallet will send you a confirmation request for the transaction. Once the confirmation process is complete, the swap will be executed automatically.
Step 5: Monitor the Transaction
You can monitor your swap transaction in the "Transactions" section. When the transaction is successfully completed, your new tokens will be deposited into your wallet.
Important Points to Note
Please ensure that your wallet has sufficient balance; otherwise, the transaction may fail.
Swap transactions may take different durations depending on the congestion of the blockchain network. Please be patient and wait for the completion of your transaction.
Exercise caution when copying and pasting token addresses. Be careful not to enter a wrong address, as retrieving your tokens may be challenging.
You are now familiar with using the Honorswap Trade/Swap page! With our fast, secure, and user-friendly interface, you can easily swap your tokens. If you have any questions or encounter any issues, feel free to reach out to our support team.
Thank you for your support, and happy swapping!
Last updated